Basic financial data

in thousand PLN
in thousand  EURO
2016 2015 2016 2015
I. Net revenue from the sale of products, goods and materials 205 201 214 184 46 893 51 181
II. Operating income (loss) -7 087 -1 750 -1 619 -418
III. Gross profit (loss) -8 961 -3 811 -2 048 -911
IV. Net profit (loss) -8 573 -4 419 -1 959 -1 056
V. Net cash flow from operating activities 14 711 6 302 3 362 1 506
VI. Net cash flow from investing activities -3 333 -2 424 -762 -579
VII. Cash flow from financial activities -11 387 -3 859 -2 602 -922
VIII. Total net cash flow -9 19 -2 5
IX.Total assets 121 326 134 539 27 424 31 571
X. Liabilities and provisions for liabilities 107 999 112 638 24 412 26 432
XI. Long-term liabilities 4 940 19 902 1 117 4 670
XII. Current liabilities 95 804 85 090 21 655 19 967
XIII. Equity capital 13 327 21 901 3 012 5 139
XIV. Share capital 1 393 1 393 315 327
XV. Number of shares (in pcs) 13 933 334 13 933 334 13 933 334 13 933 334
XVI. Book value per share (in PLN / EUR) 0,96 1,57 0,22 0,37
XVII. Diluted Book Value per Share (PLN / EUR) 0,96 1,57 0,22 0,37

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