Change of the private labels purchase model vs. the increase of the share capital

Legal grounds:
Art. 17 section 1 of MAR – confidential information.

Further to the Current Report No 30/2016 dated 5.10.2016 the Management Board of INTERSPORT Polska S.A. Company with the seat in Cholerzyn (the “Company”) informs that in connection with the planned change of the INTERSPORT private labels purchase model to such that the purchases will be made directly from INTERSPORT International Corporation based in Bern, Switzerland in effect of which the Company hopes to increase the actual margin and the share of private labels in the total sales, the Company expects the necessity of increasing the working capital.

In consideration of the structure of the Company’s balance, the financing of the estimated increase of the turnover assets and restoration of the Company’s share capital will necessitate the increase of the Company’s share capital which will also allow for increasing the level of the operating loan.

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