Change of the share so-far held in the total number of votes at the General Assembly of the Shareholders of the Company

Legal grounds:
Art. 70 Section 1 of the public offering Law – acquisition or disposal of a significant share portfolio

The Management Board of INTERSPORT Polska S.A. (The "Company) with the headquarters in Cholerzyn publicly announces the content of the notification by Ms. Jolanta Milewska on the change
of the percentage share in the total number of votes at the General Assembly that she holds, dated 17 August 2015.

Ms. Jolanta Milewska announces that in effect of changes in the rights of the shares of INTERSPORT Polska S.A. with the seat in Cholerzyn (the "Company") that she holds, and the registration, on
14 August 2015. on her shares account of 100,000 (one hundred thousand) bearer shares of the Company, her share in the total number of votes at the AGM has changed by more than 2% in
relation to the state indicated in the Current Report No. 12/2012 dated 20 April 2012.

Before the change, Ms. Jolanta Milewska held 1,250,000 shares registered preferred shares, which represented 8.97% of the Company’s share capital, entitling to 2,500,000 votes, representing 12.14% of the total number of votes and did not possess ordinary bearer shares.

Following the change, Ms. Jolanta Milewska holds in total 1,250,000 shares of the Company, which represents 8.97% of the Company’s share capital, entitling in total to 2,400,000 votes, which
represents 11.71% of the total number of votes, including: 1,150,000 of registered preferred shares, representing 8.25% of the share capital of the Company and entitles to 11.22% votes and 100,000 ordinary bearer shares, representing 0.72% in the share capital of the Company, entitling to 0.49% of the total number of votes.

In total, Ms. Jolanta Milewska and Mr. Krzysztof Milewski, prior to the change held 1,253,554 shares, which represented 9.00% of the share capital of the Company, entitling to 2,503,554 votes,
representing 12.15% of the total number of votes, including 1,250,000 registered preference shares, which represented 8.97% of the share capital of the Company entitling to 2,500,000 votes, which
represented 12.14% of the total number of votes and 3,554 shares of ordinary bearer shares, representing 0.03% of the share capital of the Company, entitling to 3,554 votes, which represented
0.02% of the total number of votes.

After the change, Ms. Jolanta Milewska and Mr. Krzysztof Milewski hold the total of 1,253,554 shares of the Company which represents 9.00% of the share capital of the Company, entitling in total to
2,403,554 votes, i.e. 11.72% of the total number of votes, including: 1,150,000 registered preference shares, representing 8.25% of the share capital of the Company, entitling to 11.22% of the total
number of votes, and 103,554 ordinary bearer shares, representing 0.74% of the share capital of the Company and entitling to 0.51% of total votes.

Legal grounds: Article 69 section 2 of the Law of 29 July 2005 of the public offering law and the prerequisites for introducing financial instruments to organized trading system and on public

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