Correction - Revenue of August

Due to the mistakenly sent version of the report, the Management Board of INTERSPORT Polska S.A. based in Cholerzyn is making public the correct content of the report no. 28 of 1 September 2016.

The Management Board of INTERSPORT Polska S.A. based in Cholerzyn informs that in August 2016 the Company recorded a total net income of about PLN 17,919,000, that is by 4.1% lower when compared to the corresponding period of 2015 (was: PLN 18,691,000).

For the period from January to August 2016 the Company cumulatively generated net income from sales amounting to about PLN 143,722,000, that is by 3.9% lower when compared to the corresponding period of the previous year (was: PLN 149,540,000).

Lower turnover as compared to the corresponding period of the previous year is the result of poor sales of private labels and decreasing the retail space of the INTERSPORT network (two stores closed in February 2016 – current report no. 8 of 29 February 2016). At the same time the Company managed to retain the upward trend of the margin percentage on the sales in stores.

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