Functions held by members of the Supervisory Board
Legal grounds:
Art. 56 Section 5 of the public offering Law – information updating
Referring to the Current Report No 22/2015 dated 17 June 2015 concerning the election, by the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of INTERSPORT Polska S.A., of the members of the Supervisory Board on a new 5-year term of office, the Management Board of INTERSPORT Polska S.A. in Cholerzyn (The “Company”) informs the following:
1.Pursuant to the provisions of § 16 section 4 of the Company’s Articles of Association, at its first meeting held on 16 September 2015, the Supervisory Board of INTERSPORT Polska S.A. elected the Presidium in the following composition: Mr. Artur Olender – Chairman of the Company’s Supervisory Board, Ms. Beata Mikołajko – Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board.
2.Pursuant to the provisions of §6 section 3, in connection with Par. 6 section 2 of the Rules of the Supervisory Board, on 16 September 2015 the Supervisory Board appointed the following of its members as members of the Audit Committee (established within the Company’s Supervisory Board): Mr. Artur Olender, Mr. Łukasz Gil, Mr. Piotr Dygas.
3. Pursuant to the provisions of §6 section 3 of the Rules of the Supervisory Board, on 16 September 2015 the Supervisory Board appointed the following members of the Remuneration and Appointment Committee (established within the Company’s Supervisory Board): Ms.Dorota Radwańska, Mr. Mathias Boenke, Mr. Piotr Dygas.
The Management Board of INTERSPORT Polska S.A. Company informs that professional biographies of all newly-appointed members of the Supervisory Board were publicly announced as an annex to the Current Report No 22/2005 dated 17 June 2015.
The Report was prepared pursuant to Par. 5 section 1 point 22 of the Regulation of the Minister of Finance on current and periodic information submitted by the issuers of securities and conditions of recognizing as equivalent information required by the law of a non-member state dated 19 February 2009 and pursuant to art. 86 sections 4 and 5 of the Law dated 7 May 2009 on chartered auditors and their professional body, entities authorized to review financial statements and public supervision.