Information on the sales area of INTERSPORT Polska S.A.
Legal grounds:
Art. 17 section 1 of MAR – confidential information
The Management Board of INTERSPORT Polska S.A. Company with the seat in Cholerzyn informs that from 13 February 2017 the Company will conduct business activity in 33 INTERSPORT sport stores located in 23 biggest Polish town and cities. The total sales area will amount to 30,820 m2, i.e. 3.5% less as compared to 30 January 2017 (was: 34 stores of the total area of 31,920 m2).
The change was due to the termination of the 10-year term rental agreement of the INTERSPORT store of the area 1130 m2 located at the “Stary Browar” Mall in ul. Półwiejska No 32 in Poznań. In consideration of the fact that for several years now the store has not generated profit, the Management Board decided not to extend
the rental. The closure of the store will have a positive effect on the Company’s total results.
In connection with the above from 13 February 2017 the INTERSPORT store at this location will be closed to customers. The final termination of the agreement and delivering the premises to the Lessor is scheduled for 11 March 2017.
The rental agreement pertaining to this very premises was mentioned in the Company’s Prospectus (Part III of the Registration Document, Art. 21 – Significant Agreements).