Resolution of the Management Board of the Warsaw Stock Exchange on the admission and placing on the market ordinary bearer shares series A

Legal grounds:
Section 56.1.2 Public Offering Act - current and periodic information

Pursuant to § 34.1 2) Regulation of the Minister of Finance of 19 February 2009 (Dz. U. No. 33, item 259), the Management Board of INTERSPORT Polska SA with its registered office in Cholerzyn informs that today it has been informed about the Resolution No. 444/17 by the Management Board of the National Deposit of Securities SA in Warsaw of May 8 this year, which reads as follows: Resolution No. 444/2017 on the admission and introduction to exchange trading on the main market of 400,000 (four hundred thousand) ordinary bearer shares of series A of the company INTERSPORT Polska SA a par value PLN 0.10 (ten groshy) each.

The WSE Management Board resolves to introduce, on May 11 (Thursday) 2017, by way of an ordinary procedure to exchange trading on the main market, the aforementioned shares, provided that KDPW SA registers them on May 11 (Thursday) 2017 and marks them with the code "PLINTSP00038". ".

The full text of Resolution No. 444/2017 dated May 8, 2017 is attached to this report.

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