Revenue for January 2016

Legal grounds:
Art. 56 section 1 of the Public Offering Law – confidential information

The Management Board of INTERSPORT Polska S.A. with the seat in Cholerzyn informs that total net revenue on sales in January 2016 amounted to ca. PLN 24 636 k and was 13.5% higher as compared to the same period in the previous year, of which:

a) Revenue on the main activity generated in the stores of INTERSPORT reached the level of PLN 23 938 k., i.e. 10.2% better than in the same period of the previous year (was: PLN 21.715 k). The sale in comparable stores increased by 9.2% on year to year basis.

b) Revenue on the additional activity run in the period from 15-31 January 2016 in the sports halls of EHF EURO 2016TM Men Hanball Championship amounted to PLN 698 k., which is a 3% share in the
total revenue of the Company for January 2016.

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