Revenue for the month of March

Legal grounds:
Art. 56 section 1 of the Public Offering Law – confidential information

The Management Board of INTERSPORT Polska S.A. based in Cholerzyn informs that the net income from sales attained in March 2016 amounted to PLN 13,116 k and was lower by 15.7% than the corresponding period in 2015 (was: PLN 15,564 k).

Lower turnover YoY is mainly connected with the lower number of trading days and the beginning of satisfactory sales of the spring collection not earlier than by the end of the month.
Increasingly from January to March 2016, the total value of the income from sales amounted to PLN 55,227 k, that is by 1.4% less compared to the first quarter of 2015 (was: PLN 56,012 k).

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