Termination of the antitrust proceedings by the President of the Office for Competition and Consumer Protection.

Legal grounds:
Art. 17 Section 1 of MAR – confidential information

Referring to the Current Report no 44 dated 28 December 2013 the Management Board of INTERSPORT Polska S.A. Company with the seat in Cholerzyn (the “Company”) informs on having been notified of the decision of the President of the Office for Competition and Consumer Protection (“UOKiK”) to terminate the antitrust proceedings against the Company and PPH FORDEX Sp. z o.o. with the seat in Poznań concerning the alleged agreement limiting the competition on the local retail market of skiing equipment and attire, in progress for several years.

Pursuant to the decision no DOK-1/2016 dated 23 December 2016 the President of UOKiK waved the imposition of a pecuniary penalty (referred to in Art. 106 Section 1 of the Law on the protection of competition and consumers) on INTERSPORT Polska S.A. Company with the seat in Cholerzyn due to limiting competition and infringing the prohibition (referred to in Art. 6 Section 1 Point 1 of the Law on the protection of competition and consumers).

Detailed information at the UOKiK website: http://decyzje.uokik.gov.pl

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