The fulfillment of the final condition and the entry into force of the agreements concluded with IIC -INTERSPORT International Corporation GmbH.

Legal grounds:
Art. 17 Section 1 of MAR – confidential information

In reference to the Current Report no. 18 dated 9 March 2017, the Management Board of INTERSPORT Polska S.A. based in Cholerzyn (the "Company") informs that on 22 March 2017 the final condition for the entry into force of the following agreements concluded with IIC-INTERSPORT International Corporation GmbH with the seat in Bern, Wolflistrasse, CH- 3006 Bern, Switzerland ("IIC" ):
1. INTERSPORT Licence Agreement („ILA”);
2. Exclusive Brands License Agreement („EBLA”), and
3. Purchasing Agency Agreement („PAA”)
(hereinafter jointly „Agreements with IIC”).

Therefore the said Agreements shall enter into force on 24 March 2017 and from that moment the Company will run business under the INTERSPORT logo based on a direct license.

Further the Management Board informs that under the terms of the agreement referred to in the Current Report no. 12 dated 16 February 2017 - upon the entry into force of the direct license agreements concluded between INTERSPORT and IIC, the subcontracting agreements concluded in 2005 between the Company and INTERSPORT Deutschland eG with the seat in Heilbronn (Germany) shall expire.

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