The impact on a one-time event on the Company’s results in January 2016

Legal grounds:
Art. 56 Section 1 point 1 of the public offering Law – confidential information

In connection with a one-time event happening in January 2016, namely additional sales run between 15 and 31 January 2016 at the sport arenas during EHF EURO 2016TM Men Handball Championship, the Management Board of INTERSPORT Polska S.A. with the seat in Cholerzyn publicly announces the estimated impact on this event on the results gained by the Company in January 2016:

1. Net revenue on sales:
Additional sales run during EHF EURO 2016TM Championship generated revenue of PLN 698 k, which constitutes 3% share in the total turnover in January 2016 (total net revenue on sales gained by the Company in this month amounted to ca. PLN 24,636 k).

2. Cost:
The total cost of servicing the event (including stand erection, personnel, licenses, and fees) complete with the cost of unsold goods amounted to PLN 320 k. The Company did not bear the costs of marketing and advertising related to the promotion of the „INTERSPORT” trademark on bands and other advertising carriers, which were seen by 31 million Poles (400 k spectators at the sport arenas and ca. 30.5 million fans following the event on TV screens). Such expenses were covered from the international budget.

3. Gross sale:
Additional sale during EHF EURO 2016TM Championship generated gross profit of ca 100 k which constitutes ca. 3% share in the total gross profit (total gross profit generated by the Company in January 2016 amounted to ca. PLN 3,100 k).

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