The loan granted to the Company by significant shareholders (members of the Management Board)

Legal grounds:
Art. 17 Section 1 of MAR – confidential information.

INTERSPORT Polska S.A. Company headquartered in Cholerzyn (The Company) informs on the agreements concluded on 24 July 2017 between the Company and significant shareholders, i.e. Mr. Artur Mikołajko and Mr. Sławomir Gil. Pursuant to the Agreements on 31 July 2017 the said persons will grant the Company with loans to the total amount of PLN 400,000 (say: four hundred thousand zlotys).

Pursuant to the signed Agreements:
- Mr. Artur Mikołajko, the President of the Management Board granted the Company a cash loan of PLN 150,000 (say: one hundred and fifty thousand zlotys).
- Mr. Sławomir Gil, the Vice-President of the Management Board granted the Company a cash loan of PLN 250,000 (say: two hundred and fifty thousand zlotys).

The Company undertook to repay the amounts referred to above by 30 December 2017. The Performance Guarantees to the Agreements shall be promissory notes issued to the amounts of the loans with due interest. The interest on the loans will be lower than the interest on the current loans of the Company. The amounts raised from the loans will be used to improve the current liquidity of the Company.

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