Transaction of person with access to inside information

Legal basis:
Article 160 par. 4 of the Act on Trading - information about transactions of persons with access to inside information

Pursuant to Article 160 par. 4 of the Act on Trading in Financial Instruments of 29 July 2005, INTERSPORT Polska S.A. announces that on 21 January 2013 it received notification from a Supervisory Board Member that on his own behalf, on 11-18 January 2013, he sold 14,617 bearer shares of Intersport Polska S.A. for an average unit price of PLN 3.05. The transaction was carried out on the regulated market (ordinary session) at the Warsaw Stock Exchange.
The Supervisory Board Member did not give his consent for his personal data to be published. The notification was prepared on 18 January 2013.

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