1H 2014

Results after the first half-year comparable with the ones of the last year.

The result of the first half-year of 2014 was comparable to the last year’s one although the structure of profits in the first two quarters was a typical for such periods.

Due to the lack of a typical for winter weather conditions, the result of the first quarter was poor. The Company’s gained profit that was by PLN 1,192 k lower than in the analogous period of the last year. In the second quarter of 2014 the policy implemented by the Management Board to increase the share of the sale of all-year product groups positively influenced the obtained result. At that time the Company’s loss was by PLN 1,028 k lower than in the analogous quarter of the previous year. Due to the characteristic for the industry seasonability of sales, the result for the second quarter was best ever gained in the Company’s history.

In the first half-year of 2014 the Company gained net revenue on sales of PLN 115 139 k, i.e. 5% higher than the revenue of PLN 109 694 k gained in the analogous period of 2013 and the gross profit of PLN 98 k compared to the gross profit of PLN 262 in the first half of 2013.
Despite the extension of the selling network by three locations, namely in Kraków, Lublin, and Kalisz, the sum of costs in the first half year of 2014 was higher only by PLN 578 k as compared to the analogous period in 2013. This was possible due to, primarily, lowering the cost of selling area rental and the costs of exploitation.

The Management Board of INTERSPORT Polska S.A.is persistent in accomplishing the policy of optimizing the selling area. In the first half year of 2014, the area of the INTERNET store in ul. Kilińskiego in Łódź was decreased by ca. 1,500 m2. At the same time the Company extended, for further 10 years the rental contract concerning the sore of INTERSPORT store of the area of 1,546 m2 at CH Arkadia in Warsaw, on same as previously financial terms.

In the first half year of 2014 INTERSPORT Polska network was granted the title of the „Star of  Service Quality” and gained the first position among the sports and tourist shops in the Daymaker Index 2014 consumer ranking. The ranking checked the client service quality in 150 trading networks in Poland. The Company gained the result of 87% which places it first in the category of sport stores and twenty first in general category.


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