1Q 2014
In the first quarter of 2014 INTERSPORT Polska S.A. network generated gross profit of PLN 519 k, with EBITDA of PLN 2 641 k
In the first quarter of 2014 the Company gained total net revenue on sales of goods and services of PLN 59 771 k, i.e. 2.95% increase as compared to the first quarter of 2013 (PLN 58 058k). The record-breaking turnover in March 2014 (+33.0%) compensated for poor revenue in January 2014 (-12.7%).
In the first quarter of 2014 the Company gained gross profit of PLN 519 k. Due to the lack of a typical for winter weather, in February 2014 INTERSPORT network intensified sales of skiing and snowboarding equipment and attire. This fact resulted in the decrease of the margin as compared to the analogous period in the previous year but on the other hand had a positive impact on lowering stocks of winter assortment.
Increasingly, from January to March 2014, EBIDTA amounted to PLN 2 641 k.
In effect of the implemented optimization process, in the first quarter of 2014 the Company’s operational expenses were 0.7% lower as compared to the analogous period in 2013. The decrease was achieved despite the growth of the selling network.
In March 2014 INTERSPORT Polska network launched two new stores: at the Felicity Shopping Mall in Lublin (store area: 887 m2) and at Amber Shopping Mall in Kalisz (store area: 501 m2). These are the first so-far selling outlets of INTERSPORT in these two locations, contributing to increasing the Company’s selling market.