3Q 2013

Comments of the Board to the results for the 3rd quarter of 2013

Comparable revenues – lower loss due to increased margin
In the third quarter of 2013 INTERSPORT Polska S.A. generated comparable revenues on the sale of goods and services and decreased the gross loss by 29% as compared to the analogous period in 2012.
From July to September 2013 INTERSPORT Polska S.A. Company generated net revenue on sales of PLN 50,166 thousand i.e. comparable to the third quarter of 2012 (PLN 50,331 thousand) and gross loss of PLN 1,913 thousand which was 29% lower than in the analogous period of 2012 (the loss of PLN 2,692 thousand).

Increasingly, from January to September 2013, the Company gained net revenue on sales of PLN 159,860 thousand, i.e. 8.8% less as compared to the analogous period in 2012 (in total: PLN 175,260 thousand of which PLN 13,323 thousand from additional sale of licensed products of UEFA EURO 2012);
Lower loss in the third quarter of 2013 results from cost optimizing and higher margin as compared to the analogous period in 2012. Due to a seasonal character of sports goods sale the Company always generates loss in the third quarter. From year to year the Company makes efforts to limit the loss by undertaking activities aimed at boosting up sales.

In the third quarter of 2013 the Company concluded a new rental agreement pertaining to the commercial premises at CH Zakopianka in Krakow and extended the rental agreement of the commercial premises based in Galeria Wisła in Płock. Both agreements were concluded on financial terms more favourable than previous ones which should improve the profitability of these stores in the future.  

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